Jun 01, 2021 | Trish Schweitzer | 946 views
Registration - TRY LACROSSE is OPEN
The Simcoe Minor Lacrosse executive has been actively working to develop several return to play options that can be deployed once sport is allowed to return. We know how important sports programming is for both the physical and mental health of our players and we remain committed as an organization to getting players back to playing lacrosse.
At this point, only 2021 TRY LACROSSE is open for registration. We ask all families to register under this option while the Ontario government determines when exactly the Return to Activities will open. Our plan is to have the season start as early as June 14th if possible. We hope to be running two (2) sessions this year: June 14th to July 16th and July 19th to August 20th. Each session will have a separate registration requirement and fee. Our hope is to eliminate any confusion and refund issues if the government decides to shut the province down again. Once we are given the go ahead for Return to Activity, the registration portal will be opened for registration under your child’s appropriate age group and payment will then be required.
We ask you to have patience with us as we try to set up a season so that our kids can get out there and get active with the sport they love!! We will start our season outdoors until the province allows us to practice indoors. We will assign specific teams and cohorts depending on the number of players registered under each age division.
Again, thank you all for your patience and understanding! Fingers crossed that we will be able to move forward with at least a little bit of a season of our favourite sport this summer!